Comics are so cool! Wow! Sparkles!
...that's me trying to be an anime character. Or the stereotypical anime character I guess.
So not sure if you know or not, but DC Comics a few years back released a few really cool anime style statues and mini statues as well. All the classic female heroes and villains that we have known over the years got redesigns that in my opinion looked really good, especially Poison Ivy and Catwoman. These became very popular, practically every DC girl had one made and even Christmas variants were made, so the next logical step would be a comic book right? That's right, and enter Ame-Comi Girls!
To be honest, I didn't know this even existed! So I was really surprised to find a few issues at a discount price available. I liked the designs on the characters, so there was enough curiosity for me to take a crack at this series and see what it's all about. be honest, I didn't know this even existed! So I was really surprised to find a few issues at a discount price available. I liked the designs on the characters, so there was enough curiosity for me to take a crack at this series and see what it's all about.
Before I start I should point out that this particular issue of Ame-Comi Girls is part two of a four part storyline. And since I am missing that issue, no doubt there are things I may not have picked up on or missed out some key elements. So we start this issue with Power Girl fighting Star Sapphire for the heart of Jimmy Olsen. I really wish I was making this up. That's right, two of the sexiest women in the DC comic universe are fighting over the Krusty Burger teen of Metropolis. What?! As a comic book geek, I have read a lot crazy stuff over the years, I've seen Batman spray his blood over Gotham as a cure for a fear toxin, I've seen Colossus murder Psylocke with a car and I've read Ultimatum. And even after all that, this still takes the wedding cake. In the comics defence, they made Jimmy look like a handsome man and not some dorky part timer kid. But still! I mean the very idea that this taking place is really jumping the shark for me! But it's only the first four pages, let's see where we go next.
Okay so Sapphire tosses Power Girl out in space, and Power Girl starts to lose oxygen...wait what? Is this a thing? I thought she was Kryptonian. Google break. So yeah, apparently some writers make note that she has to take a deep breath before flying through space. And now we know. But luckily for Power Girl she is rescued by Green Lantern, more specifically Jade! Who equipped with alert hearing headphones which alerted her to Power Girls danger. Huh? This universe though, right? So anyway, they go back down to Earth, save Jimmy and take the power source of Star Sapphire. End of comic, go home and rejoice? Nope, here comes Atom! Power Girl brings here in to help Supergirl, who has been infected by black kryptonite. And that black kryptonite takes form of Brainiac, in the insides of Supergirl. So with fighting going on inside and outside, Atom manages to shrink the kryptonite out of her system. After that takes place we get a lengthy back story to the main villain in this arc, Sinestra! And this makes this book even more of a head scratcher, we see the black power ring taking over Sinestra as she attacks different plants before being stopped and arrested by the Green Lantern Corps, only to escape years later with the yellow power ring. And now she has taken control of both fear and death power rings and is out for revenge. Again, what?
See this my main problem with this book here, the identity is extremely unclear. Are you a fun read, something like A+X or are you an epic tale like Batman or something. Why waste time on a massive plot but try to pass as a light read. What are you? And yeah maybe this is supposed to be either an advertisement or fan service of both, but that doesn't mean skip a trip to the editors office. I just don't know who to recommend this book to, but if you are a big fan of the designs, well the art should help get through, it is cool seeing these designs in action. But to everyone else, save up and get the figures, this book is not worth your change.
I didn't want that to come off harshly, but sometimes you got to lay the smack-down, even on cute looking super heroes. But maybe I am not seeing something here or maybe I am right, regardless leave a comment below and join the conversation. I got to get going though, be back tomorrow for another comic book review here at Storm Watch, until then keep chasing the storm!