Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Be Awesome...

Toby...basically Flounder but more sassy.
So I am doing some plugging here today in this post, and this one is for a very dear friend of mine, my little twin, Toby. To start off, there aren't enough words to describe this little gentlemen, but he is my ultimate bro, the Finn to my Jake, he is the guy who is always ready to help and ready to make things happen. At this day and age, you don't find many people like that and I for one and some glad to have Toby there for me as my best friend. We both have a long way to go in our art journeys, but I am happy to be there for him. For those of you in the Toronto area, be sure to go down to the Silver Snail, not only will Toby be there drawing and selling some incredible art, he will be joined by the great and talented Kevin Briones and Paul (Becarepaul) Limgenco. So go get some new releases and be sure to take advantage of all the great artist that will be available. But for those of you outside of Toronto and all over the world reading this, let me share with you a collection of Toby's work and all the links so you can follow him and share some love. And be sure to tell your friends as well, spread the word! 

A few examples of Toby's work...

And a collection of various links for you to follow as well...

So be sure to give him a follow and maybe order some art as well while you're at it. Especially if you want some pretty ladies, Toby has got you covered. And don't forget Toronto people, go to Silver Snail tomorrow! And also stay tuned for more art and comic book related posts here on my own little corner of the web. I got to get going though, so stay awesome and keep chasing the storm! 

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