So I kind of haven't posted anything comic or art or comic art related for a while now, I was beginning to worry that I would be getting side tracked. I mean complaining and bitching is fine every now and then, especially on a blog, it's practically why they are made in the first place, right? Anyways, a lot of art work to be done in the next few days, we got a few events to be leading to and a convention next month, not to mention that Spent Pencils has got some big projects in store for the new year and I got to get my ass in gear and pump out some amazing work. And yeah, we are rolling up a lot of work and shows in the next months as well, so I got organize myself and keep all of you in the loop and updated. Also I want to connect more with all of you around the world, be it in the States or in Europe, I want to send out some cool art giveaways and maybe prints, and you guys spread the word of ChileanStorm and Spent Pencils. One of these possible giveaways could a postcard, maybe a Deadpool postcard, like this one...
Bam! Wam! Thank you mam!
So I am going to have this at the Ottawa Pop Expo on December 7th and 8th, these will be postcard sized so it's perfect to mail out to any and all Deadpool friends during the holiday season. They will be on sale for $2 a card, and I've also got some New 52 style Joker and Scarecrow cards as well. And of course a few originals for sale that go for about $10, not a lot for some original art. Also going to try and bust out some more prints and postcards for the show. So anyone going to the show in December, let me know what you would like to see and I can do it up for you. Got a cool idea for a sketch cover, let me know and I can have it ready for you. Drop a comment or shoot me an email, I look forward to meeting and chatting with the lots of you.
So remember guys, December 7th and 8th at the Ottawa Pop Expo! Be there and tell your friends! Until then keep chasing the storm!
And also, Rob Ford...ugh.
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