Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Youth Impact Summit

So big news to share with everyone, tomorrow and Thursday I will taking part of the Youth Impact Summit. What is that you may ask, well let me tell you; a collection of young minds from across the province coming together to brainstorm, hear, talk about ideas to change communities. And yours truly applied a few times in the past and now I have the opportunity to take part of this big game changing opportunity. For a few years I've wanted to see what I could do to help out those who need help, be that volunteering at charity events or donate clothing or food. And now I can learn how to take that energy to the next level, and I am super excited for this experience.

For those reading for the first time, welcome! My name is Alvaro Cruz, or as I go by on most forms of social media, ChileanStorm. I was born in Toronto, but my family history hails from Chile, so I like to represent for Chile and all of Latin America, very proud of my roots and culture. I am an artist who is currently back in school and working part time as a barista. At the end of the day, I still need to pay my bills. I am currently working on a few personal projects like the Glass Prison and currently working on my first comic book, Brewgatory. My goal is to have a comic ready for summer 2017.

In this page here you will find a lot of entries on comic books that I've read and few opinion pieces as well. In the future entries I will probably talk more about things on my mind, the most important Nicolas Cage films and Nintendo 64 games. So if you like any of these things or just want a fun read, by all means give me a read and a follow and be sure to drop a comment if you'd like as well. 

You have to be able to laugh at yourself as well. 
Keep chasing the storm. 

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