Thursday, 25 September 2014

Why you should be NYCC Jelly...

There aren't a whole lot of shows or conventions that I would now in days go out of my way and try to go as a fan. Being behind the table and doing all these conventions, man, it's hard to go back there and wait in lines and stuff. Sure that sounds like a jerk face thing to say, especially considering the obvious that most of the readers here are more fans then artist, I am not sure, but I am guessing here. But man, New York Comic Con. Damn I really want to be there! As a comic book fan, I would have to say, it is probably the best show out there for comics. Strictly comics I mean. And hell has it been a while since we have had an honest to heart all about comics kind of show. I've been to anime shows, video games shows and hell even home hardware shows, but I yet to go to one that is religious to the following of comic book geeks. That might be TCAF come to think of it, but that things is too big in a building too small, but I will blog that one later. With that being said, I just saw a lot of really awesome show exclusives that will be on hand at NYCC this year, these ones from Midtown Comics. So my fellow American Storm Clouds, I highly urge you to go and soak this show up, and I highly recommend you pick up these exclusives at the show...

The Death of Wolverine 1-4, J.Scott Campbell Variant Covers: 

These are really awesome show variants and they all connect as well to make a bigger image, and while all of them are really really good, I have to gush on the third cover of this series. And you know, it probably stems from my personal love of these two characters together, but Wolverine and Mariko, holy cheese this cover looks incredible! It says it all in one image, when I think about Wolverine, that is what I think of, the lone ronin warrior who is loved by one. And man does it look great, Logan has got the samurai look down so well, it's a shame he doesn't rock the look that often. 

But if you like Jean, Silver-fox and that other girl as well, then be sure to get all four. 

Thor #1, Paul Renaud Variant Cover:

So much to see in this series, and plenty to get excited about overall. I love that we get to see the entire costume up front and in all it's Asgardian glory! So for fans of Thor and everything under the nine...I guess ten realms now, I highly suggest you guys get your hands on it as soon as you can.

Avengers & X-Men: AXIS #1, Mike Mayhew Variant Cover:

The card concept for this variant is so cool, even the ad on the back connects to make the whole book look like a poker card. That is just an awesome attention to detail, kudos to Midtown Comics! But the front has both Enchantress (meh) and Scarlet Witch (yeah) looking as great as they do! So if you are looking forward to the next big Marvel event, if you definitely want to get this cover. 

Wytches #1, Sean Gordon Murphy Variant Cover:

The cover alone looks incredible, but if you don't know, this is a new title that is being written by Scott Synder and drawn by Jock. Cha-ching! Take my money now! Seriously this is a power trip as far as comic book creators go, I can't wait to see this book and now you can get the exclusive variant as well. 

So yeah, jealous. This guy.

I am sure a lot of you guys will be going to NYCC, and if you are then let me know what are you looking forward to the most? Who are you going to meet? And more importantly, what books are you going to be picking up at the show? Let me know in the comment section below, or give me a tweet (@ChileanStorm) or send me an email. I love to hear back from y'all. But that's all I got for today, gotta go eat and rest up for another day of work tomorrow. Much love y'all and keep chasing the storm!

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