Sunday, 2 March 2014

Not Down with the Sickness...

Hey Storm Clouds, ChileanStorm here (or Papa Storm, I guess) with a quick update. Long story short though, this past week has had me trained out completely. I am pretty sure I caught some sort of sickness, everyone at work has been ill and a few of my fellow Pencilnecks as well, needless to say I have been out of it for a while now. But nothing a few extra hours of sleep, honey and plenty of Refresh mint tea can't fix. I am actually feeling a lot better today, which is good cause I got to go shoot the latest episode of Time Well Spent. Again guys, three new episodes are already up, so please give them a view or two and spread the word. I am going to be recording another episode of Twin Cast with Toby tonight, episode 4 is just waiting to be uploaded but it should be soon. So you will have plenty of Storm n Tea to watch and hear this weekend. And also be sure to subscribe to both channels as well, plenty of cool content to be seen. 

Also I am doing a late post on a blog I wrote up last week on our trip out in Brampton, for the Brampton Beast night, I have the link here, so give it a read as well. Plenty of good times with the crew and with friends from Stadium Comics. As well this past weekend I took part in the twelve hour comic book challenge! It was a great chance to stretch my creative muscles and see what I can do within that time frame. I worked on a little idea I had, one that came up during a night out with friends from my old work place. It's a pretty dark take on the day to day routine of a part time worker, I don't want to give away much more, but know that I will be posting it up here on Storm Watch and as well on the upcoming SP web comic page that is set to release soon. With short stories by Maddsketch and Toby as well, be sure to keep an eye out for those as well. 

And we are just about a week away from the first big convention of the season, the March Comic Con at Metro Toronto Convention Centre. I am getting hyped up and ready for this show, going to have more prints of the Avengers Time and Loki Lemongrab as well as original sketch covers. I am also going to be having free sketch deals and sketch card give aways, so be sure to come by and spread the word. Also I am always available for commissions, so if you are looking for something cool and unique, drop me an email or a comment below here. Ready to unleash the storm and let the world know what I am all about.

Again thank you for your time guys, please be sure to comment below and spread the word out on ChileanStorm. I will be back later, until then keep chasing the storm.

Also Canada gets gold! Sweet!

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